"Just Do It" ~ Nike
Within popular brands the sacred feminine exists, sometimes hidden, other times right in the open, the shoe company Nike has used a female goddess known as Nike but that part of the story is lost for the majority of their audience and who the brand targets. So let me tell you about her. Nike is a Greek goddess who personified victory. She was a winged goddess and represented victory in battle as well as victory in peaceful competitions such as sports, so she must have seemed quite a fitting archetype for the shoe company with the traits she represented.
Nike the brand represents strength, speed and victory, all traits of the Greek goddess. Nike is depicted with outstretched wings above the victor and she is depicted carrying a palm leaf a symbol of victory or a victory wreath or sash to crown the victor, sometimes also shown carrying a bowl or cup for libations and a lyre for victory songs. She is also depicted with bent knees running. She was quite popular in Greek art appearing on sculpture, pottery, coins, and on buildings. The sculpture of Greek goddess Athena is depicted holding a small statue of Nike in her hand inside the Acropolis. She was referred to as "beautiful ankled Nike, the winged goddess".